Afla-Guard, for control of aflatoxin, Sep-8
Air quality
farm and urban pollutants, Aug-10
swine wastewater treatment system improves, Aug-22
dried, as fertilizer, May/Jun-20
faster growth on reformulated media, May/Jun-19
in fish feed, Oct-8
turf scrubbers clean manure effluent, May/Jun-20
bee pasturing may provide pollinators for, Aug-20
new self-pollinating variety, Apr-14
replant disease resistance in, Jan-4
Amylose, standardized way to measure in rice, May/Jun-4
Animal germplasm, ARS collections of, Jan-12
Antibiotic breakdown in manure, Feb-22
Antimicrobial Resistance Collection, Jan-11
Aphid Biotype and Natural Enemy Collection, Jan-16
Apple replant disease, integrated management of, Mar-16
coating for sliced, Mar-11
mineral-particle films improve quality of, Mar-23
Muscodor fungus kills codling moth on, Feb-20
Pseudomonas fights replant pathogens, Mar-16
Aquaculture, water-recirculating systems for, Oct-4
ARS Cotton Germplasm Collection, Jan-18
ARS Culture Collection, role of, Jan-10
ARS human nutrition research centers, Mar-2
ARS National Research Programs for
Aquaculture, Oct-20
Children’s Nutrition, Obesity Prevention, Mar-13
Corn, Sep-17
Genomics and Genetics for Food Security, May/Jun-18
Human Nutrition, Jul-21
Oats and Barley, Feb-17
Systematics and Collections, Jan-19
ARS plant genebanks/collections, Jan-4
Asian citrus psyllid, control of, Nov/Dec-2, 4
Asian lady beetles, nepetalactone from catnip repels, Feb-23
Aspergillus flavus, control of in corn, Sep-2, 8
Australian Biological Control Laboratory, Jan-8
Barley and oat cooperative projects, Feb-2
Barley Coordinated Agricultural Project, Feb-4, 5
as bioenergy crop, Feb-2
as winter cover crop in Chesapeake Bay area, Aug-16
bio-oil from byproducts of, Nov/Dec-26
concentrating protein for fish feed, Feb-11
enzyme interactions during germination, Feb-7
genetics of resistance to Fusarium, Feb-4
new breeding lines, Feb-4
reduced mycotoxin production in, Feb-4
screening for stem rust resistance, Feb-8
winter, as feedstock for biofuel/ethanol, Feb-14
Beans, disease resistance, heat tolerance, iron in, May/Jun-8
Bee pastures, wildflowers identified for use in, Aug-20
Beetles, lab identifies foreign, Jan-16
Begonias, light and cold tolerant, Mar-18
Beltsville Agricultural Research Center 100th anniversary, Apr-2, 4
ARS overseas collections’ role in, Jan-8
Europe’s first program for a weed, Nov/Dec-29
of aflatoxin with benign Aspergillus species, Sep-2, 8
of asian citrus psyllid with wasp, Nov/Dec-4
of black cherry tree with Pythium fungi, Feb-23
of gall wasp in Hawaii with beneficial wasp, Sep-18
of insects with nepetalactone from catnip, Feb-23
Biofuel production
from barley, Nov/Dec-26
from canola, Oct-21
from field pennycress, Nov/Dec-22
Bison, malignant catarrhal fever, Apr-12
Black cherry tree, invasive species in Europe, Feb-23
Blue orchard bee, alternative pollinator to honey bee, Aug-20
Bozoisky II Russian wildrye, Feb-18
Brassica fights apple replant pathogens, Mar-16
from oats, barley, wheat, Feb-16
gluten-free from corn zein, Nov/Dec-28
seed meal to fight apple replant pathogens, Mar-16
winter, alternative crop for Washington State, Oct-21
copper sulfate to control Ich, fungi in, Oct-11
see-saw device oxygenates eggs, saves water, Oct-7
75th anniversary of Line 1 Hereford, Mar-14
causes of and responses to heat stress in, Mar-20
controlling cattle fever ticks, Nov/Dec-18
malignant catarrhal fever, Apr-12
nepetalactone repels stable flies, Feb-23
postfire grazing, Nov/Dec-25
preserving germplasm of, Jan-12
vaccines reduce E. coli in calf manure, May/Jun-23
weeds’ effect on forage for, Apr-22
Cereal Insects Genetic Resource Library, Jan-16
Chesapeake Bay
ARS efforts to clean up, Aug-2, 4, 9, 10, 13, 16
keeping nutrients out of, May/Jun-20
as animal model for human iron absorption, May/Jun-10
infrared laser to trim beaks of, Aug-26
preserving germplasm of, Jan-12
soft water removes more bacteria from, Feb-23
ventilating broiler houses with attic air, Feb-22
beet armyworm resistance in, May/Jun-8
fungal biocontrol for fungal disease on, Sep-23
new lines resist beet armyworm larvae, Mar-23
Chocolate pod resistance in snap beans, May/Jun-8
Choptank River, study of pollutants in, Aug-10
Christmas trees, pest control for, Nov/Dec-11
compounds in protect glial cells, Apr-23
extracts, effect on metabolic syndrome, Jul-16
Citrus, control of flushing in, Nov/Dec-4
Citrus cell lines, faster growth on media, May/Jun-19
Citrus greening, efforts to halt, Nov/Dec-2, 4
Citrus leafminer control via mating disruption, Aug-19
Climate change, effect on weed growth in corn fields, Sep-14
Coconut trees, genetic analysis of ancestry of, Aug-25
Conservation Effects Assessment Project, Aug-10
Coral bean trees, gall wasp control in Hawaii, Sep-18
Corn earworm, aerial insecticide application study, Apr-22
Corn genomics, database on, Sep-15
Corn-based plastic, improving heat tolerance of, Sep-2, 11
aflatoxin control in, Sep-2, 8
Bt, corn rootworm resistance to, Sep-12
defatted zein for gluten-free bread, Nov/Dec-28
genes linked to beta-carotene levels in, May/Jun-12
MAGIC process to identify and map useful genes, Sep-7
Nested Association Mapping Population (NAM), Sep-2, 4
organizing and mapping genetic diversity of, Sep-2, 4
photoperiod sensitivity in, Sep-4
program to broaden genetic base of, Sep-15
pyrolysis converts stover, cobs into bio-oil, biochar, Aug-31
skip-row planting stabilizes yields, Apr-19
sweet, weed management in, Sep-2, 14
western corn rootworm predators, Nov/Dec-14
5 tillage practices compared, Jan-23
13 new host plants identified for pests of, Sep-23
benefits of furrow diking, Jan-23
cytokinin boosts yields of during drought, Aug-31
germplasm, ARS collection of, Jan-18
grass hedges for erosion control in, May/Jun-23
reniform nematode resistance in, Jan-4
test of region-specific varieties, Jan-22
Cotton Winter Nursery, 60th anniversary of, Jan-18
Cover crops
cereal rye as, Nov/Dec-17
winter, best for capturing nitrogen loss, Aug-16
Crop production and diversity, Jan-4
Crop residues, decomposition rates of, Mar-23
of animal germplasm, Jan-12
of insect germplasm, Jan-16
Deer, collaring device controls ticks on, Nov/Dec-18
Dietary Guidelines for Americans, adherence to, Jul-12
DNA markers for resistance genes in barley, Feb-4
Drought tolerance, breeding beans with, May/Jun-8
E. coli O157:H7, new vaccines, May/Jun-23
Echinacea root metabolites help identify species, Mar-22
Epigenetics, study of obesity susceptibility in rats, Mar-8
grass hedges for controlling, May/Jun-23
wave-breaking device controls on reservoir levees, Jul-22
Ethanol production, Apr-20
European Biological Control Laboratory, Jan-8, Nov/Dec-29
FANTESK, low-fat cake mixes made with, Mar-11
Fertilizer runoff, reducing from farms, Aug-4, 9, 10, 13, 16
Fire ants, microsporidia as biocontrols for, Jan-15
Fish feed
from Alaskan fish byproducts, Oct-16
with low or no fishmeal or fish oil, Oct-8
byproducts, oil, gelatin, fish feeds from, Oct-16
oils, interplay of fatty acids found in, Oct-14
oily, brain benefits of eating, Jul-18
preserving germplasm of, Jan-12
vaccines, Oct-11
potting media from whole loblolly pine, Aug-28
thidiazuron extends life of some potted plants, Apr-10
Food safety
detecting bone fragments in meat, fish, Oct-23
Lactobacilli spoilage in pickles, Sep-22
reducing Listeria, Shigella on fish fillet, Oct-18
soft water removes more bacteria from poultry, Feb-23
Food technology, laser etching to label produce, Apr-23
A Systems Approach to Corn, Sep-2
ARS Research Partnerships Are Critical to U.S. Grain
Production, Feb-2
At BARC, We’ve Only Just Begun, Apr-2
Childhood Obesity: Researchers Attack a Nationwide
Epidemic, Mar-2
Nutrition and Your Health: ARS Studies Target Nutrition’s
Vital Roles, Jul-2
Saving the Bay: It’s One of the Things ARS Does Best,
Supporting U.S. Aquaculture, Oct-2
Systematics and Collections: Preserving Diversity, Trade,
and Our Way of Life, Jan-2
Using Genetic Tools To Combat Hunger, May/Jun-2
ARS collection of entomopathogenic, Jan-10
freeze-drying to preserve, Jan-18
Fungal Culture Collection, Jan-18
Muscodor albus as biobased fumigant, Feb-20
remove furanocomarins from grapefruit juice, Aug-31
Gene promoters for barley resistance to Fusarium, Feb-4
Genetic studies on
common bean, May/Jun-10
corn, May/Jun-12
improving crops and livestock, May/Jun-2
potatoes, May/Jun-14, 22
rice, May/Jun-4
wheat, May/Jun-11
DNA markers in oats for valued traits, Feb-12
gene-silencing technique to study plant aging, Apr-10
Line 1 Hereford cattle breeding program, Mar-14
MAGIC technique, Sep-7
pregnant rats’ weight affects pups’ weight, Mar-8
recombination in the corn chromosome, Sep-4
virus-induced gene-silencing technique in plants, Apr-10
Genotyping of barley breeding lines, Feb-4
Geraniums, paralytic compounds isolated from, Mar-18
Germplasm collections, purpose, value of, Jan-2
Germplasm Enhancement of Maize project, Sep-2, 15
Germplasm Resources Information Network, Jan-4, 19
Germplasm, woody ornamental, conserving, Nov/Dec-29
GIS software to monitor winter cover crops, Aug-16
Glycerol, utilization of, Nov/Dec-22
Grain, suction vs. pressure aeration in storage bins, Aug-18
Grapefruit juice, fungi removes furanocomarins from, Aug-31
Grapes, Muscodor fungus kills Botrytis mold on, Feb-20
Grasses, cultivars to help damaged rangelands, Feb-18
Grasshoppers, microsporidia as biocontrols for, Jan-15
Hemlocks, resistance to woolly adelgids, Nov/Dec-20
Herbicides in Choptank River, Aug-10
Hops affect ammonia-producing rumen bacteria, Apr-18
Horses, imidocarb dipropionate for babesiosis in, Apr-23
begonia and geranium research, Mar-18
WholeTree potting media from loblolly pine, Aug-28
Human nutrition
and disease prevention, Jul-2, 21
adult calcium needs, Jul-10
ARS-developed healthier snacks, Mar-11
benefits of reducing trans fat intake, Jul-12
chromosome 13 and blood glucose levels, Jul-16
diabetes-prevention video game, Jul-17
factors affecting bone health, Jul-10
factors affecting brain health, Jul-18
factors affecting cancer, Jul-4, 6
factors affecting diabetes, Jul-16
factors affecting eye health, Jul-7
factors affecting heart health, Jul-12
factors affecting immunity, Jul-8
fatty acylcarnitines as diabetes biomarkers, Jul-16
Food, Fun, and Fitness Internet Program for Girls, Mar-5
interplay of CLA, DHA, EPA fatty acids, Oct-14
lactose intolerance in girls, Jul-10
links between diet and chronic disease, Jul-2
model predicts vitamin D needs Jul-8
new body-composition charts for kids, Mar-6
nutrients protect against macular degeneration, Jul-7
omega-3 fatty acids, health effects of, Jul-7, 18
parents’ feeding styles affect kids’ BMI, Mar-6
plant sterols and heart health, Jul-12
reducing students’ dietary intake of fat, Oct-23
soy isoflavones and bone loss, Jul-10
weight-bearing exercise and bone loss, Jul-10
weight-gain predictors in Hispanic kids, Mar-10
weight-management program for Hispanic kids, Mar-4
zinc and immunity in elderly, Jul-8
Insect control
microsporidia as biocontrol, Jan-15
pheromones for leafminer mating disruption, Aug-19
spray rates/droplet sizes for corn earworm, Apr-22
suction vs. pressure aeration in grain bins, Aug-18
Invasive species
cheatgrass control, Aug-30, Sep-23
search for biocontrols overseas, Jan-8
Invertebrate germplasm, ARS collections of, Jan-16
Japanese beetles, geranium compound may control, Mar-18
Lentils, new Essex variety released, May/Jun-8
Maize Genomics and Genetics Database, Sep-15
Malignant catarrhal fever virus, life cycle of, Apr-12
algal turf scrubbers remove nutrients from, May/Jun-20
antibiotic breakdown in, Feb-22
disk injectors, reduce nutrient runoff, emissions, Aug-4, 9
management system for swine producers, Aug-22
Microbe collections, values, uses of, Jan-10
Mushrooms, button, immune-enhancing compounds in, Jul-8
National Agricultural Library resources and websites on
aquaculture, Oct-20
corn, Sep-16
nutrition and health, Jul-15
oats, barley, wheat, Feb-16
obesity, Mar-12
world hunger, food security, May/Jun-17
National Animal Germplasm Program, Jan-12
National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System, Jan-11
National Cotton Variety Test 50th anniversary, Jan-22
National Entomological Collection, Jan-16
National Rhizobium Germplasm Resource Collection, Jan-10
National School Lunch Program, Oct-23
Nematodes, Jan-4, 7
Nitrate levels in Choptank River, Aug-10
Nitrogen, removing from manure, May/Jun-20
Nutrient/fertilizer runoff, reducing, Aug-4, 9, 10, 13, 16
Oat and barley cooperative projects, Feb-2
benefits of avenanthramides in, Feb-10, 15
crown rust resistance, Feb-13, 15
DNA markers for valued traits in, Feb-12
dark-roasting raises antioxidants in, May/Jun-23
heat/drought tolerance in, Jan-20
irrigation and tillage of, Jan-20
Petunias, gene-silencing technique to study aging in, Apr-10
gypsum-filled trenches capture runoff of, Aug-4
levels in Choptank River, Aug-10
removing from manure, May/Jun-20
Phytochemicals, effects of, Jul-4, 6
Phytophthora infestans, genes involved in infection, Mar-23
Plant culture media, new way to formulate, May/Jun-19
Plant defense, hypersensitive response as indication of, Sep-7
Plant fiber HPMC lowers cholesterol in hamsters, Feb-16
Plant germplasm, ARS collections of, Jan-4
Potatoes, potato germplasm
5 new breeding lines resist disease, Aug-31
Muscodor fungus kills tuber moth on, Feb-20
origin of Neo-Tuberosum germplasm, May/Jun-22
several new varieties with desirable traits, May/Jun-14
with resistance to late blight, Verticillium, May/Jun-16
Poultry litter applicator injects manure below ground, Aug-9
Pseudomonas bacteria fight apple replant pathogens, Mar-16
postfire grazing, Sep-23, Nov/Dec-25
plants for revegetating, restoring, Feb-18
Remote sensing
LiDAR, SAR to map forested wetlands, Aug-13
monitoring cover crop performance with, Aug-16
Renewable energy, solar and wind power, Aug-30
Rhizobium, collection of, Jan-10
Rice blast, resistance genes in rice, May/Jun-4
breeding for yield, disease resistance, May/Jun-4
brown, whole-grain health claim, cooking time of, Apr-16
Golden Rice-2, May/Jun-4
Rust resistance, breeding beans with, May/Jun-8
Rye cover crops
best time to roll, Nov/Dec-17
for winter in Chesapeake Bay area, Aug-16
Sagebrush, grazing and postfire recovery, Nov/Dec-25
Salmon, smoked, model predicts Listeria control on, Oct-18
Sheath blight, resistance genes in rice, May/Jun-4
barber pole worm control in, Jul-23
role in transmission of malignant catarrhal fever, Apr-12
springtime grazing for leafy spurge control, Apr-23
tests for ovine progressive pneumonia virus, Apr-12
Silverleaf nightshade, biocontrol project for, Nov/Dec-29
constructed, Nov/Dec-8
measuring mycorrhizal fungi in, Nov/Dec-27
new way to measure CO2 in, Nov/Dec-27
reducing arsenic levels from poultry production, Aug-4
Sorghum, skip-row planting stabilizes yields, Apr-19
South American Biological Control Laboratory, Jan-8
Soybeans, Phomopsis seed decay resistance, Nov/Dec-28
Stable flies, nepetalactone from catnip repels, Feb-23
Strawberry phytochemicals kill leukemia cells, Jul-6
mother’s stress raises offspring’s cortisol levels, Aug-26
preserving germplasm of, Jan-12
tryptophan-enriched diet reduces aggression in, Sep-23
vitamin C, beta-glucan enhance piglets’ immunity, Aug-26
wastewater treatment system improves health of, Aug-22
Tannins, role and benefits of in soil, Nov/Dec-12
Trout, breeding for resistance to cold-water disease in, Oct-11
Turfgrass, constructed soils and, Nov/Dec-8
Turkeys, Bordetella hinzii causes disease in, Jan-23
Ug99 stem rust
screening U.S. wheat for resistance, Feb-8
summary of ARS research on, May/Jun-11
U.S. National Arboretum, Nov/Dec-20, 24
U.S. National Fungus Collections, Jan-10
U.S. National Parasite Collection, Jan-15
U.S. National Plant Germplasm System, Jan-6
U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative, Feb-2, 4, 17
Water quality
activated carbons from almond shells, Apr-14
Lactobacilli may degrade azo dyes, Sep-22
rain gardens and, Nov/Dec-8
restoring in Chesapeake Bay, Aug-2, 4, 10, 13, 16
subsurface contaminant transport model refined, Apr-19
testing oil-dispersant technology, Sep-22
Watershed data, STEWARDS online database of, Jan-23
Weed calculator predicts impact of weeds on forage, Apr-22
Weed management in sweet corn, Sep-14
Western corn rootworm
predators of, Nov/Dec-14
resistance to Bt corn, crop rotations, Sep-12
Western juniper, winter burning reduces cheatgrass, Aug-30
Wetlands, forested, detecting water flow in, Aug-10, 13
as winter cover crop in Chesapeake Bay area, Aug-16
cover crops fight apple replant pathogens, Mar-16
Fusarium head blight resistance in Asian lines of, Apr-9
hard winter varieties for eastern U.S., May/Jun-23
Muscodor fungus kills Tilletia spores on, Feb-20
screening for stem rust resistance, Feb-8
straw as ethanol feedstock, Apr-20
summary of ARS Ug99 stem rust research, May/Jun-11
Winter Wheat Stem Rust Resistance Nursery, Feb-8
WholeTree, potting media from loblolly pine, Aug-28
"2010 Index" was published in the November/December 2010 issue of Agricultural Research magazine.