USDA ARS ARonline Magazine

United States Department of Agriculture

AgResearch Magazine

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AR Research Magazine
ARS curator holds a specimen from the ARS Culture Collection
Curator David Labeda holds a specimen from the ARS Culture Collection. (Katherine Smith, D3593-1)
Low-fat muffins, soft-serve ice cream, and cheddar cheese produced with Fantesk
Low-fat muffins, soft-serve ice cream, and cheddar cheese produced with Fantesk, a natural product made from starch, water, and one or more oils. (Keith Weller, K9258-1)
ARS technician looking at a culture growing in a petri dish
Laboratory technician Christie Robnett uses DNA sequence analysis to accurately identify yeasts that are part of the ARS Culture Collection. (Keith Weller, K8555-11)
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