Map courtesy of Tom Patterson,
U.S. National Park Service
Plant Gene Expression Center
Albany, California
1 research unit ■ 12 employees
Corvallis, Oregon
3 research units ■ 133 employees
Davis, California
3 research units ■ 114 employees
San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Sciences Center
Parlier, California
3 research units ■ 125 employees
U.S. Salinity Laboratory
Riverside, California
2 research units ■ 36 employees
Pullman, Washington
6 research units ■ 136 employees
Fort Collins, Colorado
7 research units ■ 141 employees
Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory
Sidney, Montana
2 research units ■ 72 employees
North Central Agricultural Research Laboratory
Brookings, South Dakota
1 research unit ■ 39 employees
Lincoln, Nebraska
2 research units ■ 81 employees
National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research
Peoria, Illinois
7 research units ■ 226 employees
Oxford, Mississippi
3 research units ■ 102 employees
Athens, Georgia
9 research units ■ 195 employees
Appalachian Fruit Research Station
Kearneysville, West Virginia
1 research unit ■ 65 employees
Fort Detrick, Maryland
1 research unit ■ 46 employees
U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory
Fort Pierce, Florida
4 research units ■ 148 employees
Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center
Beltsville, Maryland
30 research units ■ 953 employees
Eastern Regional Research Center
Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania
6 research units ■ 190 employees
Newark, Delaware
1 research unit ■ 18 employees
"Locations Featured in This Magazine Issue" was published in the January 2013 issue of Agricultural Research magazine.