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The Agricultural Research Service
has about 100 labs all over the country.

Locations Featured in This Magazine Issue


 Map courtesy of Tom Patterson,         
 U.S. National Park Service.   

Western Regional Research Center
Albany, California
8 research units    ■    243 employees

Pullman, Washington
6 research units    ■    155 employees

Aberdeen, Idaho
1 research unit    ■    66 employees

Fort Collins, Colorado
5 research units    ■    157 employees

Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory
Miles City, Montana
1 research unit    ■    29 employees

Knipling-Bushland U.S. Livestock Insects Research Laboratory
Kerrville, Texas
2 research units   ■    52 employees

Center for Grain and Animal Health Research
Manhattan, Kansas
5 research units    ■    127 employees

Lincoln, Nebraska
2 research units   ■    94 employees

Ames, Iowa
8 research units    ■    535 employees

St. Paul, Minnesota
3 research units   ■    93 employees

Stuttgart, Arkansas
2 research units   ■    64 employees

Jamie Whitten Delta States Research Center
Stoneville, Mississippi
7 research units ■ 323 employees

Madison, Wisconsin
5 research units    ■    167 employees

Mississippi State, Mississippi
3 research units   ■    80 employees

Raleigh, North Carolina
4 research units    ■    110 employees

Robert W. Holley Center for Agriculture and Health
Ithaca, New York
3 research units   ■    60 employees

Subtropical Horticulture Research Station
Miami, Florida
1 research unit    ■    53 employees

Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center
Beltsville, Maryland
30 research units    ■    953 employees

Foreign Disease-Weed Science Research Unit
Fort Detrick, Maryland
1 research unit    ■    52 employees

Plum Island Animal Disease Center
Orient Point, New York
1 research unit    ■    32 employees

Not shown on map

Tropical Agriculture Research Station
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
1 research unit    ■    45 employees

European Biological Control Laboratory
Montpellier, France
18 employees

South American Biological Control Laboratory
Buenos Aires, Argentina
12 employees

Australian Biological Control Laboratory
Indooroopilly, Australia
6 employees

Sino-American Biological Control Laboratory
Beijing, China
8 employees

"Locations Featured in This Magazine Issue" was published in the October 2011 issue of Agricultural Research magazine.

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