Aflatoxin, AF36 strain reduces in cottonfields, Aug-20
Africanized honey bees, Feb-2, 4, 7
Alfalfa, Apr-4, 8
Aluminum tolerance genes in sorghum, Arabidopsis, Jan-8
Anaplasmosis, developing vaccines for, Feb-21
Animal disease, tracking, control of with DNA markers, Jan-22
Animal health, physiological genomics research, Aug-2
Asa Fitch’s entomological notes online, Apr-23
plant-virus-transmission genes; genome of, Jan-8
ARS fire-blight studies open U.S.-Japan market, Mar-16
ARS germplasm collection, Oct-20
inspection with machine vision, Jan-18
prolonging storage with 1-MCP, Oct-18
ARS National Research Programs for:
Agricultural System Competitiveness & Sustainability, Jul-20
Bioenergy & Biobased Products, Apr-20
Food Animal Production, Jan-17
Genomics, Jan-17
Specialty Crops, Oct-23
ARS-EMBRAPA collaborate in Labex program, Feb-12
Ash trees, preserving germplasm of, Oct-20
Asian citrus psyllid, detecting, controlling, Feb-11
Bahiagrass, potential use for biofuels production, Apr-7
effort to fight emerging rust pathogen of, Nov/Dec-2, 4
ethanol production from, Apr-10
stripe-rust-resistant variety, Nov/Dec-7
Beans, common, breeding for heat tolerance in, Nov/Dec-21
BeeBase database, bee pathogen genomic data on, Jan-14
Bermudagrass, potential use for biofuels production, Apr-7
Biobased products
biofuels, see Biodiesel; Ethanol.
bioplastics, edible films from dairy byproducts, May/Jun-16
detergent additive from cornstarch, Apr-9
from raw crops and leftovers, Apr-20
glue from plant fiber and bacterium, Apr-8
industrial lubricants from plant oils, Apr-23
supplements, gelatin from fish byproducts, Apr-18
Biocontrol of:
Asian citrus psyllid with parasitic wasps, Feb-11
black vine weevil with fungus, Aug-22
Diaprepes weevil with parasitoid wasps, May/Jun-22
fire ants with phorid flies, parasites, virus, Sep-8
potato tuber moth with granulovirus, Apr-23
red imported fire ants with virus, Aug-23
red palm mite with lacewings, May/Jun-4
termites with fungal foam, Sep-4
toxic Aspergillus with nontoxic AF36 strain, Aug-20
whitefly, sharpshooter, with fungus, May/Jun-11
Biodiesel (also see Ethanol.)
converting waste grease, oils, fats into, Apr-10
from raw crops and leftovers, Apr-20
Black cohosh, preserving germplasm of, Oct-20
Black vine weevil, control by dipping roots in fungus, Aug-22
Blueberry, cognitive function in rodents fed extract of, Aug-8
Boll weevil, using DNA microsatellites to identify, track, Aug-16
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
prion involvement in, Aug-2
PRNP gene sequenced, variations studied, Jan-15
tracking with DNA markers, Jan-22
Canola, industrial lubricants from estolides in, Apr-23
Carbon dioxide
PHACE study of rising levels of, Sep-23
predicting plants’ response to high levels of, Apr-23
waste-management system cuts emissions, May/Jun-19
Carbon sequestration
corn stover’s role in, Jul-12
organic vs. no-till and, Jul-4
three cropping systems and, Jul-8
Carrots, antioxidant content of colored, Mar-4
DNA markers used to identify parentage of, Jan-16
septicemia, columnaris vaccines for eggs of, Jul-23
Catnip, method to separate compounds in, May/Jun-7
bovine prion gene (PRNP) sequenced, Jan-15
calf survival trait added to Lifetime Net Merit index, Jan-11
DNA markers identified to track, control disease, Jan-22
feedlot waste-management system, Nov/Dec-12
leptospirosis transmission among, Aug-4
plant-produced CD14 protein eases mastitis in, Sep-12
vaccines against anaplasmosis in, Feb-21
Cauliflower, Or gene induces high beta-carotene in, Jan-8
controlling psyllid carrier of HLB greening disease of, Feb-11
extracting, processing pectin from peels, Feb-16
spread of Diaprepes weevil mapped, predicted, May/Jun-22
Coconut palm, red palm mites threaten, May/Jun-2,4
Codling moth, ultra-low-volume pheromone spray for, Sep-15
Conservation Effects Assessment Project, Jul-8; May/Jun-23
Conservation Systems Learning Tool, Jul-8
Conservation, online bibliographies relating to, May/Jun-23
Corn stover, competing uses for, Jul-12
breeding for feed, specialty markets, sustainability, Jul-14
conventional till vs. no-till, Jul-8
cryogenic storage of, Feb-12
protease enzymes speed ethanol production from, Apr-10
search for genes that control complex traits, Jan-8
boll weevil dispersal/survival, Aug-16
early planting may control spiderwort, Jul-19
Cottonseed, disrupting gossypol production in, Jul-23
Cover crops, Jul-12
Crop Profitability Calculator, Jul-8
hybrids may offer disease and pest resistance, Mar-7
machine vision inspection of, Jan-18
Diaprepes root weevil, parasitoid controls for, May/Jun-22
Dietary Supplements Ingredients Database, Aug-6
Distiller’s dried grains, use as mulch, May/Jun-18
Eggplant flea beetle, two attractant compounds for, May/Jun-23
Ethanol (also see Biodiesel.)
computer models to analyze costs of, Apr-10
consolidated bioprocessing of, Apr-8
DDG byproduct of used as mulch, May/Jun-18
from barley, Apr-10
from corn stover, Jul-12
from plant cellulose, Apr-2, 4
from switchgrass, Apr-14
genetic engineering of yeasts for, Apr-17
FACE method models higher CO2’s effects in the field, Apr-23
Family Guide for Fruits and Seeds online database, Mar-12
FarmSuite software, Jul-11
Fire ants, red imported, SINV-1 virus kills, Aug-23
Fish byproducts, supplements, gelatins from, Apr-17
Flybrella fly trap for use in food-prep areas, Mar-19
Food safety
G. asaii-phage combo kills Listeria on cut melon, Mar-22
imaging systems for, Jan-18
less bacteria on orange-fleshed honeydews, Nov/Dec-17
prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in retail meat, Feb-22
Africanized Honey Bees: A Concern, Not a Hollywood Villain, Feb-2
America’s Farms: Growing Food, Fiber, Fuel, and More, Apr-2
ARS Vegetable Breeders: On a Nutrition Mission, Mar-2
Devoted to Science, Even During Disaster, Sep-2
Federal Agencies Unite To Fight Invasive Species, May/Jun-2
Genomics—A New Gene Pool of Potential, Jan-2
Once Again, International Cooperation Key to Saving Wheat & Barley, Nov/Dec-2
Specialty Crops Move Into the Spotlight, Oct-2
Sustainable Solutions To Agricultural Production Challenges, Jul-2
Untapped Potential of Physiological Genomics, Aug-2
Fruit flies, better lures, baits, insecticides for, May/Jun-8
Fungal controls
beneficial Trichoderma fights Botrytis cinerea, May/Jun-12
Isaria poprawskii as insect biocontrol, May/Jun-11
Metarhizium anisopliae kills black vine weevil, Aug-22
nontoxic AF36 strain of A. flavus controls toxic one, Aug-20
Paecilomyces fumosoroseus controls termites, Sep-4
of biomass to make electricity, liquid fuels, Sep-23
small-scale reactors for, Apr-10
Gene chip, or microarray, technology, Jan-4, 8, 14; Apr-14
Genetic engineering
CD14-producing gene put into tobacco plants, Sep-12
for plum pox resistance, Oct-8
Genetic Resources Information Network, updating, Feb-12
DNA markers identify, track boll weevils, Aug-16
expressed sequence tags, Apr-14; Sep-10
genetic libraries, Apr-14, 16
robotic system speeds laboratory work of, Apr-17
single nucleotide polymorphisms, Jan-22; Sep-10
benefits to animal-health research from, Aug-2
improving crop plants through, Jan-8
uses in, importance to plant and animal breeding, Jan-2
Germplasm Enhancement of Maize Project, Jul-14
Germplasm, United States-Brazil exchange of, Feb-12
Giant reed (Arundo donax), control of, Jul-16
Glassy-winged sharpshooter, new fungus harms, May/Jun-11
making biopolymers from, Apr-10
plus casein and water make edible films, May/Jun-16
Gooseberry, Jeanne variety resists disease, insects, Apr-23
Grapes, Pixie dwarf as year-round breeding tool, Aug-23
DDG mulch helps growth of Kentucky bluegrass, May/Jun-18
planting next crop through grass straw, Jul-4
suitable for use in biofuels production, Apr-7
Greenhouse gases, system cuts from hog farm, May/Jun-19
Greenhouse production, high-tech sensors used in, May/Jun-12
Guava, antioxidant content of, Oct-10
Hessian flies, genetic interactions with wheat, Jan-4
Honey bees
differences between European and Africanized, Feb-4
new trap for small hive beetle pest of, Nov/Dec-20
pathogen-resistance genes identified, Jan-14
tylosin treats American foulbrood in, Jul-21
Honeydew melon, orange, high in nutrients, Nov/Dec-17
Human nutrition
African-American teens low in Vitamin D, Feb-23
antioxidant content of tropical fruits, Oct-10
APOA5 gene variant linked to artery plaque, Sep-14
beta-carotene bioavailability in spinach, Oct-12
carotenoid absorption, use, Jan-23
dietary effects on central nervous system, Nov/Dec-16
dietary plant compounds and aging brain, Aug-8
improving nutrient content of crop plants, Jan-8
nutrient analysis of mushrooms, Mar-23
nutrients’ effect on cognitive function, Nov/Dec-14
online nutrient data from food surveys, Aug-6
ORAC values of selected foods, Aug-8
phytochemical content of potatoes, Sep-20
role of copper, zinc in brain function, Sep-16
updated database of flavonoids in foods, Jul-23
vegetables bred for nutrients, flavor, Mar-2, 4
vitamin K intake, health benefits, Aug-7
Hydroponic culture, silicon in fights plant disease, May/Jun-12
Imported fire ants, areawide project to control, Sep-8
Insect control
air curtains keep insects on/off planes, Apr-21
Flybrella fly trap for use in food-prep areas, Mar-19
Insect-borne diseases, model predicts outbreaks of, Aug-23
Invasive species
air curtains keep insects on/off planes, Apr-21
ARS helps inspectors prevent U.S. entry of plants, Mar-10
federal agencies unite to fight, May/Jun-2
IR-4 project, importance to specialty crops, Oct-4
Irrigation, automated wireless system conserves water, Jul-6
Irrigator Pro software, Jul-11
Jerusalem artichoke, crypreservation of, Oct-20
Jet Erosion Tool used in levee restoration, May/Jun-23
as biocontrol for red palm mite, May/Jun-4
iridodial compound from catnip attracts, May/Jun-7
Latin American Maize Project, Jul-14
Leafminer, breeding spinach resistant to, Oct-12
Leafy spurge, control of, Jul-16
Leptospirosis, bacterial genome decay affects spread of, Aug-4
Lettuce, breeding for resistance to viruses, corky root, Feb-18
Atlas bmr-12 sorghum line low in, Sep-7
breaking down for better ethanol production, Apr-2, 4, 20
switchgrass genes that regulate production of, Apr-14
Listeria, G. asaii-phage combo kills on cut melon, Mar-22
Lychee, coatings and surface treatments for, Oct-10
Machine vision, uses for food inspection, Jan-18
Mad cow disease, see Bovine spongiform encephalopathy.
Maize, see Corn.
Mango, coatings and surface treatments for, Oct-10
Manure-management system, low tech, low cost, Nov/Dec-12
Meadowfoam, no-till, as rotation crop for grass, Jul-4
Medusahead, control of, Jul-16
Methyl bromide alternatives, measuring emissions of, Oct-16
Mosquitoes, air curtains keep on/off planes, Apr-21
Mushrooms, nutrient analysis of, Mar-23
Napiergrass, potential use in biofuels production, Apr-7
National Agricultural Library, online bibliographies from, May/Jun-23
National Clonal Germplasm Repository, Jan-20
National Plant Germplasm System, Oct-20
National Small Grains Collection, Jan-23
Nematodes, golden, PCR distinguishes races of, Aug-18
high-tech ways to measure need for, Mar-14
website helps dairy farmers manage use, loss of, Mar-22
Oilseed crops, manipulating fatty acid content of, Aug-14
Olives, ARS collection of germplasm, Oct-20
Onions, health-enhancing compounds in, Mar-4
Organic farming
effect of on soil organic matter, Jul-4
of orange-fleshed honeydews, Nov/Dec-17
Ornamental crops, pyraclostrobin approved for use on, Oct-4
Paenibacillus larvae, antibiotic resistance in, Jul-21
Peanut flour, tests help users choose best kind, Jul-23
Peanuts, farm-management software for growers of, Jul-11
Pears, quince germplasm collection may benefit, Jan-20
Pectin, biomedical and industrial uses for, Feb-16
Peppers, TigerPaw-NR habanero released, Jul-22
ARS labs test specialty crops for residue of, Oct-4
ARS research helps states reduce use of, May/Jun-8
Phosphorus runoff, gypsum applied to soil slows, Feb-23
Pickles, spice prolongs shelf life of plastic-stored dills, Feb-23
breaking down cell walls for ethanol production, Apr-2, 4, 14
genomics used to improve, Jan-8
low-lignin sorghum resistance to disease, Sep-7
measuring nutrition, growth, water needs of, May/Jun-12
Plant viruses
beet black scorch virus, Mar-13
beet necrotic yellow vein virus, Feb-14, Mar-13
cucurbit leaf crumple virus, Nov/Dec-10
lettuce mosaic virus, Feb-18
Mirafiori lettuce big vein virus, Feb-18
plum pox virus, Oct-8
potato virus Y, Aug-18
squash vein yellowing virus, Nov/Dec-10
dried, new system detects pits in, Sep-23
plum-pox-resistant variety, HoneySweet, Oct-8
environment influences flavor, Mar-4
golden nematode, potato virus Y reemerge in, Aug-18
granulovirus kills potato tuber moth pest of, Apr-23
phytochemicals, vitamins in, Sep-20
potassium, antioxidant content of, Mar-4
Potato Systems Planner software, Jul-9
food safety imaging systems for, Jan-18
genetically engineered Marek’s vaccine, Mar-23
poultry-litter test for coccidiosis, Feb-20
poult enteritis complex test uses cloacal samples, Jan-23
Prairie restoration, modern switchgrass cultivars for, Sep-18
Precision agriculture, integrated approach for study of, Mar-14
Quince, expanded ARS germplasm collection of, Jan-20
Rangeland, PHACE study of rising CO2 effects on, Sep-23
Rapeseed, See Canola.
Red flour beetle, genes for exoskeleton identified, Jan-23
Red palm mite, May/Jun-2, 4
Renewable Energy Assessment Project (REAP), Jul-12
Rhizoctonia root rot, sugar beets that resist, Feb-14
Rice Core Collection, Jan-23
Rice, breeding for straighthead resistance, amylose, Jan-23
Root Zone Water Quality Model 2, enhanced, improved, Mar-8
Root-knot nematodes, TigerPaw-NR habanero resists, Jul-22
Saltcedar, biocontrol of, Jul-16
Sclerotinia, crops infected by, efforts to control, Oct-7
Screwworm, new cellulose diet helps eradication effort, Mar-20
Silverleaf whitefly
biocontrol of with new fungus, May/Jun-11
transmitter of watermelon diseases, Nov/Dec-10
corn stover’s role in protecting, Jul-12
electrical conductivity maps of, Mar-14
estimating nutrients, salts in, Nov/Dec-12
lab method measures fumigant emissions from, Oct-16
organic farming builds organic matter in, Jul-4
plant genes for tolerance to aluminum, acidity in, Jan-8
aluminum-tolerance gene cloned, Jan-8
Atlas bmr-12 low-lignin variety for feed, fuel, Sep-7
Southernpea, two varieties of released, Jul-22
extracting saponins, isoflavones from, Sep-23
hulls useful in removing heavy metals from water, Feb-23
making biodiesel from soy flakes, Apr-10
search for protective genes in exotic varieties, Nov/Dec-18
Specialty crops, overview of ARS research on, Oct-2, 4, 23
Spinach, pest resistance, nutrient content, Oct-12
ARS collection of germplasm, Oct-20
compost socks fight black root rot, raise yield, Sep-22
Sugar beets
beet black scorch virus identified in United States, Mar-13
extracting and processing pectin from pulp, Feb-16
resistance to rhizomania, Rhizoctonia root rot, Feb-14
Sugar cane, two quick lab tests greatly aid processing of, Feb-8
Super Slurper, book-drying product made from, May/Jun-20
Super Soil System replaces manure lagoons, May/Jun-19
Sustainable agriculture
analyzing economics of, Jul-8
breeding corn suitable for, Jul-14
long-term research projects on, Jul-2, 4, 20
BAC maps used in sequencing genome of, Jan-12
Toxoplasma gondii incidence in retail pork, Feb-22
waste-management system for, May/Jun-19
breeding for biofuel/ethanol production, Apr-14
choosing best cultivar for location, Apr-16
genetics of, Apr-14, Sep-18
test predicts ethanol-production potential of, Apr-16
fungal foam kills, Sep-4
survival after Hurricane Katrina, May/Jun-23; Sep-4
TigerPaw-NR habanero pepper released, Jul-22
Tillage, conventional till vs. no-till, Jul-8
Tobacco, genetically engineered to make CD14 protein, Sep-12
DDG mulch raises yields of, May/Jun-18
genes for ripening, response to light, Jan-8
unexpected genetic diversity found in cultivated, Oct-20
Toxoplasma gondii, incidence in retail meat, Feb-22
Trees, cultivars suited to urban spaces, power lines, Oct-14
Tung oil, studies of enzymes, fatty acids in, Aug-14
Ug99 stem rust, global effort against, Nov/Dec-2, 4
U.S. National Arboretum, trees for urban spaces, Oct-14
Virtual Grower software for greenhouse management, May/Jun-12
Water quality
new version of computer model helps protect, Mar-8
precision agriculture and, Mar-14
reaction breaks down estrogens in wastewater, Mar-23
soybean hulls clean heavy metals from water, Feb-23
Water, automated wireless irrigation system conserves, Jul-6
Watermelon, viral cause of vine decline in, Nov/Dec-10
biocontrols for invasives in the West, Jul-16
crop rotations and, Jul-4
database aids identification of invasive, Mar-10
invasive swallow-wort spreading in Northeast, Feb-23
mulch from distiller’s dried grains inhibits, May/Jun-18
tropical spiderwort, in cotton, Jul-19
cropping systems in Pacific Northwest, Jul-4
DGE-1 germplasm line has scab resistance, Aug-23
global effort to fight stem rust of, Nov/Dec-2, 4, 7
Hessian fly resistance genes identified, Jan-4
locating genes for better flour, bread-making, Sep-10
planting mixtures of varieties raises yields, May/Jun-17
Whey, biodegradable bioplastic made from, May/Jun-16
White mold, national initiative aims to control, Oct-7
WholeFarm software, Jul-11
Wool, imparting flame, heat resistance to, May/Jun-23
Yeasts, robotic system speeds genetic engineering of, Apr-17
Zorbix, document-restoration product, May/Jun-20
"Index" was published in the November/December 2007 issue of Agricultural Research magazine.