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2001 Index


Air pollution, reducing, Jul-22
Animal behavior studies, Jan-23, Jun-2, 4
Animal stress, managing, Jan-23, Jun-4
Aquaculture research, Dec-2
Areawide pest management, Nov-10
Aromatic plant oils, odor control with, Jan-23
ARS Culture Collection, Jul-20
Asian lady beetles, repellents, Aug-23
Autumn olive berry high in lycopene, Sep-22
B vitamins, Mar-16
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), monitoring resistance to in cotton pests, Feb-20
Baculovirus, as biocontrol for mosquitoes, Apr-29, May-2
Barley, new varieties of, Aug-18
Beans, breeding for day length sensitivity and disease resistance, Apr-22
--mite and winter resistance of, Oct-8
--pollen transport from transgenic crops by, Oct-7
--Russian honey, Mar-22
Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, research milestones, Oct-12
Berea College students in Australia, Apr-28
Berries, resveratrol content of, Sep-23
Berry extracts, anticancer activity found in, May-22
Betsy Ross lilac, Sep-4
--of Cape ivy, Jun-17
--of green peach aphid, May-10
--of melaleuca, Fergusonina fly as, Apr-26
--of subtropical fruit flies, Nov-10
--of water weeds, Nov-4
--of weeds, Apr-10
--of weeds with fungi, Nov-18
--with insects, Feb-16
--work in overseas laboratories, Apr-4
Biodegradable plates and bowls, Jan-23
Biodiesel jet fuels with soybean oil, Jul-22
Biofuel crops, ethanol production from, Feb-4
Blackeye pea with green color, Feb-23
Blacklegged tick, May-4
Blueberries, Triblue and Premier, May-22
Bone density in Navajos, Jun-16
Bone gain, loss in new mothers, Jul-13
Bovine viral diarrhea virus, new, Oct-22
Brazil-ARS partnership, Dec-8
Broccoli screened for anticarcinogen glucoraphanin, Sep-23


Cacao, adding disease resistance to, Aug-10
Calcium and bone density, Sep-23
Calcium crystals in plants, Jul-23
Calving difficulty (dystocia), Jul-2, 4
Campylobacter, identifying and controlling, Apr-4, Jul-8
Campylobacter, study of in Icelandic poultry, Jun-8
Cape ivy, biocontrol for, Jun-17
Carbon storage in soil Feb-2, 4
Carotenes, conversion to vitamin A, Mar-12
Carotenoids, autumn olive a source of, Sep-22
Castor beans, genetic engineering of, Jan-12
--new line of, Jan-16, Dec-2
--protecting eggs of, Feb-23
--calming of with sunset feeding, Jan-23
--immune response of, Jun-18
--production and birthing, Jul-2, Jul-4
Caulerpa taxifolia, chlorine controls, Nov-7
Chicken, statistical method for packaging by weight, Jul-22
Choline deficiency and RDA, Mar-16
Chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD), Jul-10
Citrus, kaolin stops weevil infestation, Mar-18
Clover, red, as silage, Jul-7
Clover, subterranean, as cover crop, Feb-14
Codling moth
--lure for, Jun-10
--suppression of in orchards, Nov-10
Collaborative research of ARS, Apr-4
Composting, Jan-23
Computer model
--estimates soil carbon gains, losses, Feb-4,
--for copper use and metabolism, Mar-8,
--for population dynamics, Apr-18,
--for when to fumigate grains, Nov-10
--for whitefly biocontrol, Dec-6
--MODSS and SWAPA+H, Apr-25
Computer tool (TOPAZ) for topography, Aug-2
Copper, determining recommended daily intakes for, Mar-8
--cooking process and fumonisins in, Aug-14
--extract for waxing paper, Mar-23
--genome of, Feb-8
--zein protein and grease resistance, Mar-23
Corn rootworm, aerial sprays of cucurbitacin baits for, Nov-10
--genebank, Jul-23
--gin trash pellets as fuel and feed, Aug-23
--irrigation methods preserve pollen, Nov-23
--lowering bale-packaging force for, Jan-22
--variety with two Bt genes, Feb-20
Cow, transgenic, to resist mastitis, Aug-23
Coxsackievirus, selenium deficiency and virulence of, Sep-20
Cucumber-melon cross may be useful for gene transfer, Jun-23
Cytokines, response to infection, Jun-18
Dairy cow diets, Jul-14
Deep-tank fermentation, Jul-20
Dextran blood extender, Jul-20
Dioxins, monitoring of in meat, Jan-14
Don Egolf Chinese redbud, Sep-4
Dystocia (calving difficulty), Jul-2, 4


EMBRAPA's research with ARS, Dec-8
Energy expenditure in humans, Mar-11
Escherichia coli O157:H7, sodium chlorate reduces in pig, cow intestine, Mar-19
Fantesk, new products from, Feb-10, Jul-20
Fat analysis in foods, faster, Mar-23
Fat substitute for shortenings, May-23
Fergusobia nematode as melaleuca biocontrol Apr-26
Fertilizer, safer, May-23
Fire ant, red imported, biocontrol of, Nov-10
Fish farming
--threats and vaccines, Dec-2
--trout that can eat grain, Dec-4
Floral and nursery crops research, Sep-2, 4
Fluorescence and multiangle remote sensing to map vegetation, Aug-4
Fluorescence gene aids Campylobacter detection, Jul-8
Food and nutrient intakes, determining portion size, Mar-4
Food processing and storage, triglycerides in, Mar-23
Food safety
--cooking temperature and, Jul-23
--detecting bacteria on meat, Mar-23
--dioxins and, Jan-14
--pathogen control for farm animals, Mar-19
--pathogens on cut fruit, Jul-12
--sources of Campylobacter, Jun-8
Food surveys, merger of, Mar-4
Foods, developing more nutritious, Oct-2
--digestibility and nutrition in, Jul-7, Jul-14
--growth reduces water pollution, May-11
Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Lab, Jul-2
Forum: A Global Harvest of Knowledge, Apr-2
Forum: Aquaculture Research Is Key to the Future of U.S. Fish Farming, Dec-2
Forum: Carbon Credits on the Chicago Board of Trade? Feb-2
Forum: Finding Foods That Agree With Our Genes, Mar-2
Forum: From Awareness to Knowledge to Solutions, May-2
Forum: Getting the Lowdown From High Up, Aug-2
Forum: Invasive Species and Areawide Pest Management: What We Have Learned, Nov-2
Forum: New Floral and Nursery Crop Studies Come Into Bloom, Sep-2
Forum: Not Just More, But More Nutritious Food, Oct-2
Forum: Observing Swine Behavior To Lower Piglet Mortality, Jun-2
Forum: Quest for Methyl Bromide Alternatives Continues, Jan-2
Forum: Research Supports Sustainable Cattle Production, Jul-2
Four-poster device for tick control on deer, May-2
Free-form fabrication with soybean oil, Aug-9
Fruit flies, control methods for, Nov-10
Fruits, research on tropical and exotic, Apr-22
Fungal inoculation of soil helps roots, May-20
Fungal resistance in cacao, Aug-10
Fungi as biocontrols for four weeds, Nov-18




--mapping in wheat, Jan-20
--markers for worm resistance in cattle, Dec-8
Gene sequencing
--of Arabidopsis thaliana, May-23
--of chicken viruses, Jul-16
Genetic engineering of castor beans, Jan-12
Genetic fingerprinting of cacao germplasm collections, Aug-10
Genetic markers for white mold resistance in snap beans, Mar-21
Genetic response to diet, Mar-2
Genetics, using statistics to determine effect of mutations, Feb-8
Genome of Xylella fastidiosa, Apr-4
Genotyping (DNA sequencing) to study transmission of Campylobacter, Jun-8
Giant reed, biocontrol of, Apr-14, Nov-7
Giant salvinia, biocontrol of, Nov-4
Glassy-winged sharpshooter, control of with wasp and kaolin film, Nov-20
Grapes, resveratrol content of, Sep-23
--new resilient varieties of, Oct-10
--stiff-grass hedges halt erosion, Oct-21
Gray mold, Botrytis, biocontrol of, Sep-18
Green fluorescent protein (GFP) to study spread of gray mold, Sep-18
GRIN taxonomy web site updated, Mar-20
Hairy vetch, as cover crop, Feb-14
Horses, nocardioform placentitis in, Dec-15
Human nutrition
--calcium and vitamin D, Jan-22, Sep-23
--carotenoids, flavonoids, Feb-18, Mar-12
--conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), Aug-22
--dietary habits and exercise levels of children nationwide, Jun-23
--enteral feeding of infants, Jun-22
--estimating portion size, Mar-4
--folate levels affect choline needs, Mar-16
--invisible fiber in foods, Mar-14
--leptin's role in hunger, Aug-20
--mineral requirements, Mar-8
--minerals and brain function, Oct-4
--nutrient absorption, Mar-2,
--phytonutrients, Feb-18
--phytosterols lower cholesterol in, Aug-16
--selenium and disease resistance, Sep-20
--tailoring the diet to genes, Mar-2
--vitamin B12 deficiency, Jan-23


Industrial wastes, use in fertilizer, May-23
--artificial diets for rearing, Feb-16
--sound-based tool to detect and identify, Mar-21
Integrated pest management, May-10, Nov-2, 10
International research of ARS, Apr-2
IR-4 minor-use pesticide program, Sep-4
--BIOTECH monitoring system, Sep-23
--method lessens cotton yield loss, Nov-23
--subirrigation/drainage system, Jun-13
Jornada Experimental Range, Aug-4
Kaolin particle film, Mar-18, Nov-20
Kudzu, biocontrol of with fungi, Nov-18


LABEX, ARS-Brazil partnership, Dec-8
Land management computer model, Apr-25
Leafy spurge, control of, Nov-10
Lichens, potential herbicides from, Jan-10
Lilac, mildew-resistant for warm areas, Jun-23
Livestock transportation practices, Jun-4
Lycopene, autumn olive high in, Sep-22
Lyme disease, May-2, 4
--nitrogen in, Jul-7
--odor abatement of, Jan-23
--removing nitrogen in wastewater, Jul-18
Marek's disease
--vaccine for, Jul-16
--virus sequenced, Jul-16
Margarines low in trans fatty acids, Aug-16
Meat color and doneness, Jul-23
Medfly, new trap for, May-14
Medical discoveries at NCAUR, Jul-20
Melaleuca, biocontrol of, Apr-26, 28
Melon-cucumber cross, Jun-23
Melons, using calcium for preserving, Jun-23
Methyl bromide alternatives, Jan-2, 4, Sep-12
Minerals, role of in brain function, Oct-4
Monilia pod rot of cacao, Aug-10
Morningglory, biocontrol of with fungi, Nov-18
--biocontrol of with baculoviruses, Apr-29
--diseases transmitted by, Apr-29
Moth, as Cape ivy biocontrol, Jun-17
National Cotton Germplasm Genebank, Jul-23
Nixtamalization cooking process for corn, Aug-14
Nutraceuticals, alternative sources of, Aug-16


Oat oil for healthier bread, May-23
Oats, new varieties of, Aug-18
Office of International Research Programs, Apr-2, 4
Old World climbing fern, biocontrol of, Apr-28
Ornamentals and floriculture, Sep-4
Peach, high-yielding columnar tree, Dec-16
Peanut butter, trans fatty acids and, Nov-23
Pectin, using microwaves to extract, Jun-23
Pepper plants, new ornamental and culinary, May-12
Permethrin for tick control, May-4
Pest control in grain elevators, Nov-10
Pest prevention and management, Nov-2
Pestivirus, new type in wildlife, Oct-22
Pfiesteria in Chesapeake Bay, May-23
Phages to reduce produce pathogens, Jul-12
Pheromone lures, Jul-10, Dec-8
--alum and iron binders, May-23
--growing hay to remove excess, May-11
--losses in runoff, Oct-18
Physical activity levels, studies of, Mar-11
Phytochemicals in berries, May-22
Phytophthora fungus causes root rot and crown rot, Jan-4
--crushing deaths of, Jun-2
--dexamethasone boosts weight of, Nov-23
--feeding studies of, Jun-22
--measuring stress in, Jun-4
Pigs, immune response of, Jun-18
Plant collection at TARS, Apr-22
Plant names, database of, Mar-20
Plum curculio weevil pheromone bait, Nov-23
Plum pox virus, Sep-4, 9
Plum, transgenic resists plum pox, Sep-11
Plum-apricot cross, Mar-23
Poinsettia, wasp controls pest of, Dec-6
Pomegranate, ARS collection of, Sep-17
Potatoes, antioxidants in colored, May-9, Oct-6
--how Campylobacter sticks to skin of, Jul-8
--technique reduces crop breaks in, May-19
Powdery mildew, predicting outbreaks of, Sep-14
Prairie revegetation, Oct-10
Produce pathogens, phages to kill, Jul-12
Production agriculture, Apr-2
Propargyl bromide, promising methyl bromide alternative, Sep-12
Protein and bone density in elderly, Sep-23


Rainfall simulator targets runoff, Oct-18
Rangeland conservation and health, Apr-25
Raspberry, longer-growing, Oct-23
Red clover silage lowers nitrogen in cow manure, Jul-7
Remote sensing
--of crop nutrient deficiencies, Dec-8
--of Earth, Aug-2, 4
--of salvinia, Nov-4
--to track screwworm, Apr-18
--to track ticks and disease spread, Apr-9
Resveratrol in berries and grapes, Sep-23
Rhizobacteria, beneficial, added to soil, Jan-4
Rice bran oil, phytosterols in, Aug-16
Rice breeding, using heterozygosity to speed, Jan-19
Rice-wheat mix for low-fat doughnut, Feb-23
Riparian ecosystems, Nov-9
Roses, greenhouse pests of, Sep-14
--Enteritidis, Jul-12
--sodium chlorate reduces in pig, cow intestine, Mar-19
--technique reduces crop rupture and spread of, May-19
Saltcedar, biocontrol of, Sep-23, Nov-9
Sawfly attractants, Jul-10
--eradication in Central America, Apr-18
--rapid detection kit for, Aug-23
Selenium and viral virulence, Sep-20
--bacterial inoculants in, Jul-14
--red clover vs. alfalfa as, Jul-7
Snap beans, genes for white mold resistance in, Mar-21
--applying beneficial fungi to, May-20
--carbon in, Feb-2, 4
--compaction probes, Dec-8
--fumigants, Jan-4, Sep-12
--managing nutrients in, May-11
--moisture variations in and storms, Aug-4
--water-retention software, Dec-8
Sorghum, transferring genes in, Apr-22
Soybean oil
--phytosterols in, Aug-16
--replaces petroleum in making parts, Aug-9
--use in jet fuel, Jul-22
--hulls of filter metals in wastewater, Oct-23
--maximum yields with HYSIP, Jun-13
--new foamed glue from, Jan-9
Spider mites, control of on roses, Sep-14
Statistical model reduces chicken giveaway, Jul-22
Sterile insect technique, use to eradicate screwworms from Central America, Apr-18
Stone fruit trees, plum pox virus in, Sep-9
Strawberries, fighting pathogens and disease in, Jan-2, 4
Sunflower hybrids resistant to broomrape, Feb-23
Supercritical fluid extraction and fractionation, Aug-16
Sustainable agriculture, Feb-14
Sweetpotato, nutritious chips and fries from, May-8
Swine manure, removing nitrogen from wastewater of, Jul-18
--as a biofuel crop, Feb-4
--preventing runoff with, Oct-21


Tapeworms, evolution of, May-16
--adrenomedullin hormone in animals to detect diseases and parasites, Jul-23
--for anaplasmosis, babesiosis, Apr-9
--for atrazine in meat samples, Oct-22
Tick control with four-poster device, May-4
Tickborne diseases, tracing, Apr-9
Tracheal mites in bees, Mar-22
Trout that thrive on grain, Dec-4
Turfgrass disease, organic control of, Aug-12
Ultrasound, analyzing catfish fat with, Jan-16
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, Jul-2, 14
U.S. National Arboretum, Sep-4
Vegetable oils as lubricants, Oct-23
Viral virulence, Sep-20
Virtually impermeable films, Jan-2


Wastewater, polymer gel pellets remove nitrogen from, Jul-18
Water quality protection, Aug-2
Water weeds, ways to control, Nov-4
Weather maps from satellite data, Aug-4
--biocontrol of with fungi, Nov-18
--online data about, Jan-23, Mar-20
--suppression of with microbes, Aug-12
Weevil, Cyrtogabous salviniae, as biocontrol against salvinia, Nov-4
--abscisic acid's role in stress response of, Jan-20
--breeding aluminum tolerance into, Dec-14
--color, test kits for, May-23
--DNA markers, May-19
--drought- and cold-hardiness genes, Jan-20
--gene mapping in, Jan-20
--new leaf rust resistance genes in, May-19
--scab, yeast to control, Jun-20
Wheat-rice mix makes lower fat doughnut, Feb-23
Wheat stem sawfly, attractants for, Jul-10
Whiteflies, wasp as biocontrol of, Dec-6
Yeast, 7 strains of Cryptococcus nodaensis reduce severity of wheat scab, Jun-20
Yellowfever mosquito, protozoan parasite for biocontrol of, Apr-29

"2001 Index" was published in the December 2001 issue of Agricultural Research magazine.

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