2000 Index
Adhesive, new starch-based, Apr-8 Air quality --and wind-blown dust, Mar-19, Jul-14 --ionizers and, Mar-20 Alpine pennycress, for soil cleaning, Jun-4 Aluminum tolerance in crops, Jun-4, Nov-23 Animal management, low-stress, Nov-4 Animal-to-human diseases, Feb-18 Antioxidants --in blueberries, Sep-10 --in seed coat of beans, Sep-20 --in tomatoes, Sep-14 Apple maggot, control with decoy, Jan-12 Asian longhorned beetle control, Jun-18 Attractants --for Colorado potato beetle, Feb-22 --for mosquitoes, Feb-12 --pheromones for Siberian moth, Apr-20 --synthetic lures, Apr-20 Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), alternative to, Apr-17, Aug-8 Bean breeding, Sep-20 Beauveria bassiana, new strain fights caterpillar pests, Nov-12 Bees --alternative pollinators, May-2, 4 --blueberry pollination by, Sep-10 --collection of, Mar-6 --hive insert traps Varroa mites, Mar-22 Biocatalysis, Feb-21 Biocontrol --of caterpillars, Nov-12 --of fungi and nematodes on beets, Aug-10 --of insects, May-16, Aug-23 --of weeds, Feb-10, Mar-4, May-7, Jul-16 Biodiesel burns cleaner, Apr-23 Biofungicides for fruit rot fungi, May-23 Biomining, burning plants to mine ash, Jun-6 Bioremediation, Jun-10 Blood pressure in hypertensive rats, Jul-21 Blueberry --health benefits, Feb-23, Sep-10 --new cultivars of, Sep-10 Botanical illustrations preserved, Sep-12 Brazil/U.S. research partnership, May-12 Broccoli --selenium in and colon cancer, Jun-12 --sulforphane in, Feb-23 --vitamin K in, Jan-16 Bronze wilt, cause of in cotton, Nov-21 Brucellosis, new vaccine for, Feb-18 Brussels sprouts, selenium in, Jun-12 C–D Cadmium hyperaccumulators, Jun-6 Canola --chlorophyll in oil from, Jan-9 --to clean up excess soil selenium, Jun-10 Cattle --cancer-fighting fatty acid in milk, Apr-21 --diseases of, May-12 --fescue toxicosis in, Jul-2, 4 --gene mapping of, Jul-10 --summer syndrome in, Jul-2 --virtual fence to round up, Nov-4 Cercospora leaf spot in sugar beets, Aug-10 Cercosporella rubi, new fungicide for, Jun-23 Cesium-137, phytoremediation for, Jun-4 Chickens --ascites in, May-11 --gene mapping of, Apr-14 --lactic acid reduces Salmonella in, Nov-20 --Marek's disease in, Apr-14 --protein affecting obesity in, May-22 Chinese beetles, for saltcedar control, Mar-4 Cinnamon extract and diabetes, Jul-21 Citrus canker, early-warning for, Dec-20 Clay Iron cowpeas as cover crop, Jan-15 Climbing fern, moths, mites to control, Jul-16 Coffee green scale, Sep-4 Colorado potato beetle --artificial diets to sustain, Apr-22 --hairy vetch mulch to control, Sep-23 --lure for, Feb-22 Computer models --to predict spillway performance, Feb-4 --to predict water movement, May-20 --to predict wind erosion and dust, Mar-19 Corn --avidin-containing transgenic, Aug-8 --Bt, and milkweed populations, Dec-16 --European corn borer resistance in, Apr-17 --enetic diversity in, Jan 18 --low-phytic-acid line of, Mar-13 --mutant collection, Jan-18 --seed pretreatment for Fusarium in, Jan-8 Cotton --ARS-improved pimas, May-18 --benefits of ultra-narrow-row, Jan-20 --cause of bronze wilt in, Nov-21 --fiber properties of, Oct-23 Cover crops --for Colorado potato beetle control, Sep-23 --for orchard replant disease, Sep-16 --to improve date yield, Jan-15 Dates, sustainable production of, Jan-15 Dyeing process for cotton/wool, Nov-8 E–F Erosion control, crop residue for, Jul-14 Escherichia coli O157:H7 --detecting and controlling on meat, Oct-8 --fluorescent, Mar-15 --hydrodynamic pressure to reduce, Dec-19 Fabric dyeing of cotton/wool blend, Nov-8 Fat analysis in foods, Jun-22 Feed --canola as, Jun-10 --kenaf waste as, Aug-14 --restriction of, May-22 Fertilizer --kenaf as, Aug-14 --precision farming and, Jan-4 Fescue toxicosis, Jul-4 Fiber intake, Jan-23 Fish --bass hybrid, Feb-16 --catfish feedings, Jul-23 --mechanized sorting of, Jul-20 --production techniques, Feb-16 Flavonoids in beans, Jul-21, Sep-21 Flax, new retting process for, Sep-23 Flood control, Feb-2, 4 Floral and nursery crops, Sep-2, Dec-2 Food safety --E. coli detection and, Mar-15 --of pork, Aug-18 --of sprouts, Aug-16 --Salmonella growth factor AHL, Jan-11 Food storage --behavior of fats in, Jun-22 --canning quality tests for beans, Sep-20 --grain cooling and, Apr-18 --preserving produce, May-23, Oct-22 --tomato shelf life, Sep-14 Formosan subterranean termites, overview of control efforts, Oct-12 Forum: Biological Control: Important Tool for Managing Invasive Species, Mar-2 Forum: Blue Orchard Bees and Other New Pollinators for Agriculture, May-2 Forum: Enhancing Plants for Western Rangelands, Apr-2 Forum: Furthering the Well-Being of Farm Animals, Nov-2 Forum: A Grass Roots Analysis of Tall Fescue, Jul-2 Forum: Horticultural Research: It's a Growing Process, Sep-2 Forum: Hydraulic Lifelines for Soil, Water, and People, Feb-2 Forum: Keeping the Bloom on the Floral and Nursery Industry, Dec-2 Forum: Microbial Genomes: Unraveling Their Potential, Aug-2 Forum: Mighty Mites: Ubiquitous, Inconspicuous, Harmful, Helpful, Oct-2 Forum: Teaming Up for Better Water Quality, Jan-2 Forum: Using Superplants To Clean Up Our Environment, Jun-2 Fruit, fresh-cut --alternative sanitizers, May-23 --preserving of, Apr-23, Aug-23, Oct-22 Fuel, soy-based biodiesel, Apr-23 Fungicide, blackberry spray schedule, Jun-23 Fungi --fighting weeds with, Feb-10, May-7 --identifying with PCR, Aug-12 --in tall fescue, Jul-2, 4 --Metarhizium for termites, Oct-12 Fusarium, new causes of, Aug-4 G–H Gene mapping --of chickens, Apr-14 --of cows, Jul-10 --of sugar beet, Aug-10 Genetic engineering --of canola, Jan-9 --of corn, Aug-8 --of raspberries, Oct-19 --of wheat, Dec-18 --safety testing for products of, Sep-2 Genetic fingerprinting of seeds, Jul-12 Germplasm --microbial collections of, Aug-2 --storage of, Feb-23 Global Positioning System (GPS) --and precision agriculture, Jan-4 --to track Formosan termites, Oct-12 --use to round up cattle, Nov-2, 4 Global warming, methane production from rice and, May-22 Grain, pests of, Apr-18, Jul-22, Aug-8 Grapes, Pierce's disease of, Nov-23 Grass --improving rangelands with, Apr-2, 4 --new roadside crested wheatgrass, Mar-23 --northern grasses, Feb-23 --seeding rangeland with after fire, Mar-23 --toxicity from, Jul-2, 4 --use in waterways, Feb-2 Grazing management without fences, Nov-4 Guayule latex products and diseases, Mar-23 Heavy metals, plants rid soil of, Jun-2, 4 Herbaceous perennials online, Sep 18 Herbicide --protein from Fusarium as natural, Feb 10 --reduction of in groundwater, Sep-23 Historical agricultural items, Mar-23, Sep 12 Horticultural crops and industry, Sep-2 Human nutrition --added-sugar intake, Jun-17 --anemia, Mar-13, Aug-13 --cinnamon extracts and insulin sensitivity, Jul-21 --dietary fat and obesity, Mar-14 --dietary shakes, May-19 --glucose metabolism, Jul-21 --high-fiber flour, May-21 --insulin sensitivity, Jul-21 --low-calorie sweetener, Jul-19 --nutrient intake, Jun-17 --of Hispanic Americans, Jan-23 --phytonutrients, Feb-23 --vitamin B12 deficiency, Aug-13 --vitamin K and bone, Jan-16 Hyalella azteca, water quality and, Feb-9 I–J–K Insecticides --ditches to trap runoff of, Sep-23 --environmentally friendly, Apr-10, Jun-23 --vetiver grass as alternative to, Oct-12 Insects --artificial diets for, Apr-22 --Asian longhorned beetle control, Jun-18 --biocontrol of, May-12 --biocontrol with, Mar-2 --caterpillar control, Nov-12 --flour beetle control, Jun-23 Integrated Pest Management for Mexican corn rootworm, Nov-18 --in stored grain, Apr-18 --Russian wheat aphid control, Jul-22 Japanese brome, as forage, Nov-20 Jojoba, appetite suppressant in, Dec-21 Kaolin, coating fruit trees with, Nov-14 Kenaf --new uses for fiber and byproduct, Aug-14 --to clean up excess soil selenium, Jun-10 Kudzu, mycoinsecticide for, Oct-23 L–M–N Late blight, study of fungal cause of, Aug-23 Leafhoppers, new species found, May-23 Leafy spurge, biocontrol of, Mar-4 Leptospirosis, causes of and vaccines against, Feb-18 Low-temperature scanning electron microscopy, studying mites with, Oct-4 Lycopene, in tomatoes, Sep-14 Lyme disease, deer pesticide collars, Jan-23 Manure --algae to clean, Jul-22 --disease-causing microbes in, Jan-23 --odor-causing microbes in, Mar-16 Mastitis, new vaccine for, Nov-22 Mayapple, cancer-fighting compound in, Jul-9 Mealybugs --biocontrol of, May-16 --pesticide dips for, Sep-4 Meat --making more tender and safer, Dec-19 --trichina-free certification of pork, Aug-18 Medfly --environmentally friendly control of, Apr-10 --longer-lasting attractant for, Oct-20 --recycled medfly diet for livestock, Mar-18 --sterile male production, Jun-14 Mexican corn rootworm, control of, Nov-18 Microorganisms, odors caused by, Mar-16 Milkweed, survey of in Iowa, Dec-16 Mites --as biological controls, Jul-18, Oct-4 --control of, Jun-23 --research and use, Oct-4 Monarch butterfly and milkweed, Dec-16 Mosquito --attractants for, Feb-12 --biocontrol agent for, Aug-23 MSEA, water quality program, Jan-4 Nematode development, Sep-23 North Plains Evapotranspiration Network, Dec-12 O–P–Q Ogallala Aquifer, conservation of, Dec-12 Onion hybrids, Jul-23 Ozone stress in plants, Apr-13 Pest control --of weeds, Mar-2, May-7 --vetch mulch for Colorado potato beetle control, Sep-23 Pesticide --application and nursery crops, Dec-4 --dips, Sep-4 --effective new sprayer for a, Nov-23 --transport in groundwater, Jan-4 --viewing coverage of with electron microscopy, Dec-4 Pest risk assessment, role in easing wheat embargoes, Dec-14 Phosphorus in waterways, Jan-4 Phytonutrients, report on health benefits of, Feb-23 Phytoremediation, Jun-4 Piroplasmosis (equine babesiosis), Jul-8 Plants --CO2 and ozone and, Apr-13 --hyperaccumulation in, Jun-4 Plum pox virus on stone fruits, Nov-10 Pollinators --new for blueberries, Sep-10 --of sweet cherry and almond, May-2 --specimen collection of, May-6 Potatoes --breeding resistance to late blight, Sep-8 --four new varieties, Dec-8 --unique potato virus collection, Mar-19 Precision agriculture --in the U.S. and Brazil, May-12 --systems approach, Oct-16 Quarantine --facilities, Mar-7 --for foreign bacteria, May-7 R–S Ragweed pollen, atmospheric CO2 may increase, Nov-23 Rangelands --enhancing with plants, Apr-4 --prevention of cheatgrass, Mar-23 Raspberry bushy dwarf virus, Oct-19 Rats, colon cancer studies in, Jun-12 Replant disease, control of, Sep-16 Rhizoctonia root rot in sugar beets, Aug-10 Rice, genetic markers for breeding, Dec-11 Salmonella --electrostatic system for removing, Mar-20 --in fresh produce, May-23 Scab (Fusarium head blight), Aug-4 Scanning electron microscopy --to study mites, Oct-4 --to study pesticides on leaves, Dec-4 Seed oils, composition of, Jun-22 Selenium, in broccoli, Jun-12 Snail control in orchids, Sep-4 Soil --conservation practices, Jan-20 --cover crops improve quality of, Jan-15 --detoxification of, Jun-2, 4, 10 --erosion control, Jul-14, 19, Feb-4 --fungal populations in, Sep-16 --nitrogen fixing in, Jan-15 Soybeans --field processing of, Apr-23 --soybean cyst nematode, Sep-23 Soy isoflavones affect cell responses, Feb-15 Spillways for flood control, Feb-4 Spinosad for medfly control, Apr-10 St. John's-wort, quality and potency of, Jul-12 Sugar beet pests and diseases, Aug-10 Sunflower disease resistance, Nov-11 Swine --bacteria in manure of, Mar-16 --feed additive to improve immune response of, Aug-23 --trichina-free pork, Aug-18 T–U–V Tall fescue, toxicity to cows, Jul-4 Technology transfer, pilot plants aid, Aug-20 Termites, new baits for Formosan, Oct-12 Tests --fluorescence assay for E. coli, Mar-15 --for identifying triglycerides, Jun-22 --for piroplasmosis, Jul-8 --high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Jul-12 Thrips, Jun-23, Sep-4 Ticks, deer collar kills, Jan-23 Tillage --leaching, Jan-4 --no-tillage system, Jan-15 --ridge tillage's effects on pesticide Tomatoes --genetically modified for firmness, Dec-21 --safer fresh-cut, May-23 --slower ripening transgenic, Sep-14 Toxicants, feeding stimulants combined with, Nov-18 Transplant mix, beneficial microbes in, Oct-23 Trefoils, new lines released, Apr-22 Tropical flowers, palms, Sep-4 Tuberculosis, disease transmission, Feb-18 U.S. Pollinating Insects Collection, May-6 Vaccines --for cattle and bison, Feb-18 --for mastitis, Nov-22 Varroa mites --screen to separate from bees, Mar-22 --SEM studies of, Oct-4 Virtual fence, Nov-4 Virus collection, Mar-19 W–X–Y–Z Water conservation, faxed advisories for, Dec-12 Water-hyacinth, biocontrol of, Mar-10 Water quality --CO2 and water stress, Apr-13 --crustaceans sign of good, Feb-9 --ditches to improve, Sep-23 --of farm runoff, Jan-23 --of surface and groundwater, Jan-4 Water use --hydraulic engineering, Feb-4 --overapplication of water, Oct-16 --safeguarding water resources, Jan-4 --simulated storm runoff, Sep-23 --water management for rice crops, May-22 Weeds --biocontrol of, Feb-10, Mar-2, 4, 10, May-7, Jul-16 --breeding sheep to prefer, Dec-20 Wheat --cover crop lowers replant disease, Sep-16 --finer ground whole wheat bread, May-21 --TCK fungus in, Dec-14 Wheat streak mosaic virus, use as viral vector, Dec-18 Whey protein, prevents breast cancer in some rats, Oct-10 Woody ornamentals, choosing online, Sep-18 Xylitol, low-cal sweetener from corn, Jul-19 Zoonoses, Feb-18 |
"2000 Index" was published in the December 2000 issue of Agricultural Research magazine. |